Bat Work

Sheffield Tree Care has significant expertise in identifying and examining potential bat roost features; our tree surgeons are specially trained and are fully aware of and compliant with the UK and European legislation protecting all UK bat species. Working as a team with a licensed batworker (who is also a trained tree climber) our staff undertake aerial inspections, methodically searching for cavities, loose bark, rot or other features that could contain bats. To date we have helped locate three roosts in trees in Scotland, England and Wales, and confirmed the absence of bats at countless other sites.
Assistance with bat surveys has been undertaken for leading environmental consultancies, at sites across the UK including quarries, farmland, ancient woodland and residential gardens.
Soft Felling, Bat Box Installation and other Mitigation Measures
If roosts or potential roosts are located, we work collaboratively with the licensed batworker to determine the most appropriate, safe and legal way to undertake planned tree work. This may include ‘soft felling’ techniques, where the tree is carefully dismantled in sections and each section slowly lowered to the ground to leave the habitat intact. Sheffield Tree Care also supply and install bat and bird boxes, and other bespoke mitigation features such as plunge cuts, re-use of cavity containing sections and/or creation of monoliths.